Q: WHY don't you have a fringe/streak tutorial?
A: Because we don't need one! They're simple, you clip them in, you clip them out. With dreads, you have all of this fake
hair on a string, and most dread-virgins would have no idea what to do.
Q: Can people put in dreads as fast as that video?
A: Yeah! For 1 bun, at least. It takes me about a minute and a half to put on my actual falls. But I usually take like
5 minutes trying to force my hair into a bun.
Q: What do you do with Pigtail buns?
A: Exactly the same thing. I think Pairs of falls are a little tougher to get in right, and it's a little harder to make
them look REALLY good.
Click here to see a video of me Installing Dreadfalls.
Does our tutorial suck? Is it confusing? Watch the video above, or click HERE for one of the best dread tutorials I've ever seen!